Moving to Santa Barbara in 2007 to earn his doctorate in Depth Psychology, Stephen studied phenomenology and the human experience.

Working at Sarah House, a residential hospice, he trained as a bedside caregiver, tending the needs of the dying, learning the work is more than medical.

Knowing the lessons of dying were relevant to other stages of life as well, Stephen helped start the Community Education Program at Hospice of Santa Barbara, as well as designing and teaching courses at Pacifica Graduate Institute and Antioch University.

Meet the founder

A husband and full-time father of two, Stephen started Visiting VR in 2023 as an innovative way to help Santa Barbara Seniors stay more purposely engaged with sources of meaning.

Combining his education and caregiving experience, with his love for world travel and deep nature connections, Visiting VR represents the next level of home health care and senior companioning.

“Our elders deserve better than boredom and loneliness. Life is lived in the connections we can make with the world. Let us help each other experience a lifetime of meaningful connections.”